Empire had increased its determination to root out ideological subversion. Before the inquisitions came the 'Albigensian Crusade' against the hereti- cal Cathars 


Ideological subversion was a key component of Soviet expansion efforts. As stated by Yuri Andropov, the former head of the Soviet KGB and the third General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union , “the war of Communist aggression (expansion of Communism) is the final struggle for the minds and hearts of the people.”

Auteur: C Brian Madden. Taal: Engels. Schrijf een review. ranging from flagrant aggression to subversion insti- gated, organized When the Guinean delegation spoke of subversion, ideological subversion. He had  4 Feb 2021 Bezmenov also stated, “ideological subversion or active measures or psychological warfare is to change the perception of reality of every  What is the concept of “ideological subversion,” as practiced by Soviet government apparatchiks? What percentage of all KGB efforts is dedicated to this practice?

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The first step is known as demoralization and it takes 15-20 The four stages of ideological subversion of a people are as f ollows: 1. Demoralization - A process of 1 5-20 years, this is the time it takes to educate. one generation in a new ideology, to lay Subversion is an act of corrupting or undermining the established government through a systematic means. We have seen it before, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, and we still see it today, Iraq, Afghanistan, to name but a small number. Subversion is a lengthy process which can be identified in four stages, which I will elaborate upon soon.

Subversion (from the Latin word subvertere, 'overthrow') refers to a process by which the values and principles of a system in place are contradicted or reversed, in an attempt to transform the established social order and its structures of power, authority, hierarchy, and social norms. 2021-01-20 · Home › Uncategorized › What is ideological subversion?. What is ideological subversion?

In Indonesia, communism and Marxism are considered subversive ideologies and a threat to national security. Indirect action and soft power can lead to the aggressor-state inflicting ideological sabotage and subversion on the victim-state.

2020-06-30 · Mr. Bezmenov then defines stage two of this ideological subversion in what he calls the “destabilization” stage; something he claims is much easier to accomplish once a nation has become “demoralized” and at odds with itself culturally. He claims this phase only takes between two and five years and primarily emphasizes economic instability. Ideological subversion is a form of psychological warfare in which perceptions (thinking patterns) of the population in enemies’ territory is changed in such a way that it weakens their nation Yuri Bezmenov, known by the alias Tomas David Schuman, was a Soviet KGB informant who defected to Canada.

Bezmenov was an expert in what the communist USSR called ideological subversion; waging war on the culture, ideology and minds of the people of enemy countries, with the intent of bringing it to it’s knees – without firing a shot.

Ideological subversion

This guy is Nostradamus. He predicted the subversion of America.. Why are we in upside-down world? Why is our civilisation at war with itself? Yuri prophe Political and Ideological Subversion against USA. The concept of tactics of subversion is very old, in China, 2500 A C and was used by a philosopher named SunTse.

Destabilization 3. Crisis 4. New Normal Ideological subversion by T.H.R.U.S.H. for insectualization. 2020-06-19 · Ideological Subversion. By Lisa Renee.. Ideological subversion is a common psychological warfare tactic used for brainwashing by those in military intelligence and anarchist groups, or any power monger that historically has subscribed to the methods used in Marxist-Leninist communistic based ideology.
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2020-06-30 · Mr. Bezmenov then defines stage two of this ideological subversion in what he calls the “destabilization” stage; something he claims is much easier to accomplish once a nation has become “demoralized” and at odds with itself culturally.

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6 Aug 2020 The ideological subversion of leftist Democrats About 30 years ago, Soviet Union defector Yuri Bezmenov warned of a brainwashing technique 

Four stages of subversion: 1) Demoralization, 2) Destabilization, 3) Crisis, 4) Normalization (or as it is often said these days, “the New Normal”) – After these two videos, one a formal interview and the other a lecture, we include various quotes from his book, lectures and interviews. Short except on ideological subversion: The trouble is, it’s unlikely we’re going back, and an old interview circulating on the internet tells us why.

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6 Mar 2019 Ideological subversion was a tactic openly used by Soviet Union to influence an entire nation not overnight, but over generations. The strategy 

In this second clip here again. This guy is Nostradamus. He predicted the subversion of America..