Traineeship activities will be agreed with departmental Erasmus Coordinators and defined in your Learning Agreement for Traineeship. The traineeship lasts 2 to 12 months for Bachelor's degree programmes, and up to 24 months for Master's and single-cycle degree programmes. The total period abroad includes both study and traineeship mobility.


Traineeships Within the EU (Erasmus+): You can complete a traineeship at a company, organisation, or research and education centre in any Erasmus country outside Sweden. EU institutions or organisations that coordinates EU programmes are excluded. You yourself must find your traineeship position and contact the organisation in question.

via Palladio 8, 33100 Udine tel. +39 0432 556111 fax +39 0432 507715 p.iva 01071600306 c.f. 80014550307 > urp - > PEC di ateneo. numero verde 800241433 mettersi in contatto con l’Ufficio Erasmus+ Traineeship dell’Università di Tor Vergata inviando una e-mail a per iniziare la ricerca dell’impresa ospitante (per coloro che non dispongono ancora di un’offerta di tirocinio) e per concordare il periodo di tirocinio (per coloro che sono già in possesso del Learning agreement for Traineeship approvato dall Bando "Erasmus+ for Traineeships" I Bando “Erasmus+ for Traineeships 2014/2015” per l’assegnazione di borse di mobilità all’estero per tirocinio finanziate dall’Unione Europea riservato agli studenti e ai futuri laureati dell’Università degli studi di Padova.

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For graduating students, all documents must be sent at least 30 days before the start of the graduation session. Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc) abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in Programme countries at Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates. These opportunities are also open to recent graduates. Erasmus+for Studies and SEMP (Swiss European Mobility Programme) Bilateral Agreements (mobility from non UE countries) Coimbra group - Student Exchange Network (SEN) For both Incoming and Outgoing students: Erasmus+ for Traineeship programme is not managed by the Projects and Mobility Office and the Erasmus Desk of the School.

Si avvisa che, in data 27/04/2018, è stato pubblicato il bando Erasmus for traineeship con borse residue, per tutti gli studenti di Ateneo, per tirocini da svolgere entro il 30 settembre 2018 con finanziamento di due mesi massimo. Il programma Erasmus+ ai fini di Traineeship consente a studenti, dottorandi, specializzandi e neolaureati (questi ultimi a condizione che siano selezionati attraverso il bando prima del conseguimento del titolo) lo svolgimento di tirocini curriculari, volontari e post-lauream presso aziende, enti pubblici, istituti di ricerca, fondazioni, ONG, scuole e università situati in un Paese europeo via Palladio 8, 33100 Udine tel.

Every year the School of Humanities welcomes a number of foreign students, the majority from our partner universities, to do their Erasmus traineeship with us. Most of the incoming trainees work as assistant language teachers, helping to conduct classes, providing extra tuition for some students on an individual basis, arranging extra-curricular activities etc.

il programma Erasmus+ per tirocinio, per svolgere un tirocinio presso un’impresa straniera. I tirocini sono rivolti a studenti e studentesse in corso e a chi è in prossimità del titolo, e possono essere svolti fino a 12 mesi dopo il conseguimento della laurea. 2021-03-30 · Students who intend to graduate immediately after the Erasmus period and students who intend to participate in the ESU Accommodation Call 2020/21 must NOT upload the documents, but must send them by e-mail to

Il progetto di mobilità internazionale Erasmus Traineeship ti permette di effettuare tirocini presso imprese, centri di formazione e di ricerca presenti in uno dei Paesi partecipanti al programma. L’Erasmus Traineeship prevede un contributo finanziario per coprire parte delle spese da te sostenute durante il periodo di tirocinio.

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Assicurati di conoscere i tuoi diritti quando vai a studiare o a fare un tirocinio all'estero. Il portale Erasmus Intern Traineeship, sviluppato dalla   15 Feb 2021 Join Us on Facebook and Instagram!

Erasmus+ Traineeships in the 2019/20 academic year should be undertaken between 1st of July, 2019 and 31st of May, 2022. Erasmus+ Traineeships in the 2018/19 academic year should be undertaken between 1st of July, 2018 and 31st of May, 2020. Late Learning Agreements for Traineeship will be processed subject to time. Please note that during the holiday months of summer and Christmas, processing may take slightly more time. Therefore, submit your documents well in advance if you intend to apply for an Erasmus internship scholarship beginning in August/September or January/February.
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PROJECT CONTACT: Career Service, phone: +39 049 827 3071; What are the objectives of student placements? Nell'ambito della mobilità degli individui, Erasmus + prevede due sottoprogrammi, il programma Erasmus+ per studio, per studiare presso un istituto superiore straniero, e il programma Erasmus+ per tirocinio, per svolgere un tirocinio presso un’impresa straniera. Studies/traineeship and Erasmus Mundus programs, contribute to calculate months available to each student (even if done while enrolled in another university).

Links. Publication in Lund University research portal ·
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A typical duration of ERASMUS+ Trainees at GSI/FAIR is around 3 months or so. Some of them are also staying longer. This Traineeship can be either part of 

Traineeship activities will be agreed with departmental Erasmus Coordinators and defined in your Learning Agreement for Traineeship. The traineeship lasts 2 to 12 months for Bachelor's degree programmes, and up to 24 months for Master's and single-cycle degree programmes.

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The traineeship should be equivalent to full-time work for a continuous period of 2 entire months up to 12 months. If you have previously been on an Erasmus mobility (internship/exchange or similarly), the total mobility period may not exceed 12 month per academic level (e.g. Bachelor's level, Master's level or PhD level).

2020/2021 International Office - School of Science. Alessandra Miola.